Friday, 8 July 2011

reflection on 8-7-2011

Reflection on 8-7-2011

Mary Suarez (4T)

Today was the last day of our chemistry course. In the morning, we had our presentation preparations and we presented in the afternoon. After dinner, we had our evening activities. We could choose what food we wanted for picnic on Sunday. We chose lots of delicious food such as cheese, ham, chocolate, grapes, oranges, bananas and some crisps. We are all very excited for our picnic on Sunday. After that, we also had a quiz night. We were divided into teams of 6. The questions consisted of science trivia, music trivia, riddles and some general knowledge. They were very challenging but also very fun to solve. We did a lot of team work and even become closer friends after the quiz. Moreover, we learnt new facts about the world and all these were very interesting. In the end, although some didn’t win, it was a great learning experience. We enjoyed it very much. We hope we can have another quiz night soon. Then we went to bed. We were very happy because we could wake up later than usual the next day, we could finally have some rest from the tiring week. We are looking forward to the weekend and the second course we are going to have next week!

Tiffany To (4A)

Today is Friday, the last day of our chemistry course and the anticipated project presentation day. In the morning, we had a lecture about project presentation skills and we learnt a lot about preparing a presentation and delivering our speeches. Then we had some times to prepare our presentations. We felt a little rushed because of the time limit and so it was a bit stressful.

When we finally got to present after lunch, we were all very nervous. However, the presentations went quite smoothly and did not turn out to be as difficult as we had thought.. All the groups did well. Some groups even researched extra information, which was very interesting. Dr. Melanie gave us a few comments and criticisms. We will definitely remember them for future presentations. Then we had a brief introduction to the Maths course we would have next week. It seems really interesting and we are all very excited.

Cheryl Chong (4T)

Today was our first presentation day. We were very worried about it, therefore we woke up an hour in advance to prepare for it.

We were challenged to the limit as we only had a little over an hour to finish making the PowerPoint. Everyone was working full speed ahead. However, when time was up, things were looking a bit bleak, but we were given half an hour after lunch to polish it.

The presentations went really well. We received encouraging comments from our course leaders and mentors as well as Alan West, CEO of the Reach Out Lab of Imperial College. They gave us interesting additional knowledge on the topics we presented and were pleased that we had finally opened up.

In the evening, we had a quiz. We were divided into groups of six. The quiz comprised of several rounds, including rounds testing our general knowledge, our geography and our abilities to look at a bigger picture. We were awarded points for each round. The best three groups got exclusive prices while the rest got none, but was overall, ‘Jolly Good Fun’!

Joey Chu (4S)

Today was a really special day for all of us as we are going to have our presentations. Although we have been really tired walking back from the cinema last night, we were still very concentrated when we were preparing for our projects. It was the first time for us to finish a project involving researching, finishing the PowerPoint as well as the script within such a short time, which is roughly two hours! We usually have at least a week’s time to prepare at school. This has been a really great challenge for all of us. While preparing for this presentation, our attitudes towards doing a project have changed a lot. Unlike those presentations we had in Hong Kong, there is an additional part of Q&A in here. Under this “pressure”, we did our project not only for doing the presentation, but had a move in-depth study on the topic we were assigned. Then, we will be able to face challenges or questions raised by other audiences or teachers. This week, we are only presenting our project in front of our peers. We hope that next week, when we are presenting in front of a lot more people, we will have more preparation and confidence.

Isa Hung (4T)

Sadly, it was already the fifth day of our journey at Imperial College. Today it was our presentation day, where we would present all the knowledge we have learnt throughout the week to our fellow classmates and course leaders.

In the morning, we got some time for presentation preparation. We further discussed on our particular topics with our group mates, and the academic mentors were around to give different groups some advice on their presentations. Thus helped us improve our projects and make them a better one.

In the afternoon, we had our presentation. We were all very nervous to speak in front of such a big crowd. We applied the presentation skill learnt yesterday and tired our very best to give a good presentation. Besides, we also learnt to think flexibly in order to answer problems and questions posed by professors and course leaders. Furthermore, we learnt to appreciate others presentations and gained much from theirs.

After dinner we had a quiz night. We were divided into groups of six to answer questions from different aspects, such as science, music, geography and history. We learnt to cooperate and to raise our awareness to things around us. After the activity, we learnt that we really have to broaden our horizons and have a more diversified development.

Tomorrow is Saturday and we will be having an outing. We do really look forward to it!

Karen Ho (4T)

Today was our fifth day at Imperial College. This was a very special day as we had to do our presentations. We were all very frightened as we have to speak in front of professors, course leaders, mentors, teachers and classmates.

After breakfast, we were given time to prepare for our presentation. We further discussed about our projects so as to strive for the best. The mentors were so kind that they gave us help and advice.

In the afternoon, we had our presentations. Although we were all very nervous at the beginning, we managed to overcome the presentation smoothly. We learnt to appreciate others’ presentations and gained a lot from them. I hope that after this experience, we would have a better presentation in front of the bigger crowd next week.

Today was the last day that we spent with our academic mentor, Dawit. He was so friendly and kind. He helped us a lot throughout the week and was very patient in teaching us, I would really like to thank him for guiding us throughout the week.

Next week, we will be having chemistry lesson, and I am really looking forward to it!

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